The Last Night Devs Partner Up With Raw Fury

Odd Tales sent out a quick a word about their partnership with Raw Fury. Studios will be joining forces to bring forth The Last Night. Developers strive to lead the next generation of 2D pixel art. Hopefully, their partnership with Raw Fury will help them in this goal. The game will be released for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

What is The Last Night?

Events of the game happen in cyberpunk 2D open world. It features 4 unique locations, each with different architecture, culture as well as industry. Players can use taxis, ferries or monorails to travel between locations. Additionally, players will get a chance to meet and interact with a cast of complex characters.

The Last Night is a 2.5D cinematic adventure game, forging ahead on the path established by the greats such as Another World, Flashback and the Oddworld series. Set in a rich post-cyberpunk world, the game is aiming to update the vision seen in “Blade Runner” or “Ghost in the Shell”, while establishing a new standard for immersive pixel art.

Players would be able to engage in driving down the highways, hacking droids and much more. The game will also have different ways to approach situations – from running away or arguing to pulling out guns.

Check out the trailer and tell us what you think in the comments below!

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