Robotech Volume 1: Countdown Graphic Novel Released!

Sc-Fi Anime fans rejoice! Yesterday saw the release of the highly anticipated Robotech Volume 1: Countdown – the graphic novel collection of Titan’s critically acclaimed new comic adventure based on the iconic ’80s Sci-Fi TV Anime!

Written by Brian Wood (Star Wars, Briggs Land, X-Men), with art from Marco Turini (Assassin’s Creed) and colorist Marco Lesko, Robotech returns with a thrilling new tale that’s perfectly accessible to new fans, as well as providing a deeper layer of twists for old-school protoculture addicts! With a shift in the Robotech timeline, nothing will play out as you expect in this new critically acclaimed comic book adventure from Titan Comics.

Volume 1 comes with a stunning cover by fan-favorite artist Stanley ‘Artgerm’ Lau and a special introduction by Greg Finley who voiced Gloval in the original animated TV series.

Titan Comics provided us with a cool trailer and inside art below for you to drool over:

Select each image for a larger version

Robotech Volume 1: Countdown cover  Robotech Volume 1: Countdown Page 2 PreviewRobotech Volume 1: Countdown Page 4 Preview


Writer: Brian Wood
Artist: Marco Turini
Colorist: Marco Lesko
Cover Artist: Stanley ‘Artgerm’ Lau
Publisher: Titan Comics
Trade Paperback, 112pp
On sale: 2/13/2018
ISBN: 9781785859137

Titan Comics proudly presents a bold new vision for the classic Robotech saga!

A mysterious ship crashes on a remote island… 10 years later, the ship’s ‘Robotechnology’ has helped humanity advance its own tech. But danger looms from the skies and an epic adventure is set to begin…

Written by Brian Wood (Star Wars, Briggs Land, X-Men) with stunning art by Marco Turini (Heavy Metal, Assassin’s Creed), and a special introduction by Greg Finley who voiced Gloval in the original animated series.

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