11-11: Memories Retold is a new WWI game from the devs of Valiant Hearts

11-11: Memories Retold is a new WWI game from the Valiant Hearts devs and the people behind Wallace and Gromit. 

11-11: Memories Retold is a new WWI game from the Valiant Hearts devs and the people behind Wallace and Gromit. In the below trailer, a British soldier recites In Flanders Fields, a moving poem by Canadian writer John McCrae. Studio Head Yoan Fanise had this to say to Venture Beat:

“World war one is a big part of the heritage we have in common with British people. in Great Britain, every year on 11 11, people wear a poppy in memory of the fallen,” Yoan Fanise said in an email. “This project is our little poppy. It’s also a part of history that touches me personally as my great-grandfather fought in the trenches. He lost a leg and his brother there. This is only one family story among so many others sadly. We have to revive this period of time to not forget and to not repeat the same mistakes of our History. I could tell a thousand stories from World War One as it is a concentrate evidence of the futility of war.”

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