5 Reasons Why CS:GO is Still Popular

CS:GO Popularity

Many games have come, but CS:GO is here to stay. This first-person shooter title is still popular despite being launched in 2012. For one, it’s played by more than a million fans all over the globe. The better players have advice for ranking up, such as improving their game, finding good teammates, one-role specializations, familiarity with several maps, and following the professional scene.

Five Reasons Why CSGO Has Tons of Fans

CS:GO has fans for real! So, if you’re wondering why that’s so, here are the top five reasons why fans bet on CS:GO, play, and watch it for entertainment. Check them out now!

Easy to Understand Game Mechanics

The game plot is simple to understand. There are terrorists up to no good, and as counter-terrorists, you get to select your own teammates and bring home the win. Just hook the game up, grab a controller, and you’re ready to play CS:GO – not many baby steps required! If you understand the game mechanics and you’re thinking of making a bet, check out these CSGO betting sites.

Unique Ranking System

CS:GO’s ranking system is simple, spanning 18 levels that easily distinguish the pro-level players from the new ones. In ascending order, the levels are:

  1. Silver I (S1)
  2. Silver 2 CSGO (S2)
  3. Silver III (S3)
  4. Silver IV (S4)
  5. Silver Elite (SE)
  6. Silver Elite Master (SEM)
  7. Gold Nova I (GN1)
  8. Gold Nova II (GN2)
  9. Gold Nova III (GN3)
  10. Gold Nova Master (GNM)
  11. Master Guardian I (MG1)
  12. Master Guardian II (MG2)
  13. Master Guardian Elite (MGE)
  14. Distinguished Master Guardian CSGO (DMG)
  15. Legendary Eagle (LE)
  16. Legendary Eagle Master (LEM CSGO)
  17. Supreme Master First Class (SMFC)
  18. Global Elite CSGO (GE)

Large CS:GO Community

Community diversity is an experience that every fan of first-person shooter games should go through. Its community has rules, and sure, everything isn’t rosy because not every player respects community rules. But know that rules are solid and present to correct any misdemeanor.

Players generally love the environment and its mix of love, diversity, rage, and a host of other emotional reactions and values. Come to think of it. The game would be missing a metaphorical arm and a leg if there wasn’t any community. Since the game is played online, players need to face off against each other and not an A.I.

Deeper Story

The gameplay is deeper than you think because being straightforward means even simple strategies may look deceptive. On the side, some players do some CSGO betting. Luckily, once you catch on to your opponents’ methods, you start exploring the maps and discovering their unique vantage points. Besides the fact that there are many maps, CS:GO also wows players with tons of modes.

After that, you’ll get acquainted with the CS:GO weapons, their strengths, and weaknesses, and then learn how to shoot well.

Partner with your teammates and a vault of endless strategies open up. The final key? Communication! Keep in touch with your teammates and their positions to up your winning chance.

Exciting Customization

The customization is exciting because players can purchase different skins to customize their looks. The skins don’t affect your actual stats or winning chance. But being able to customize your looks helps players express their personality. More so as humans are attracted to patterns, symmetry, and overall badass appearance.

You’ll be able to customize your guns, clothes, crosshair, in-game text, the mini-map, and even your view model for an unfair advantage. The rarer it is, the more attraction you get. Painting a massive target on your back isn’t necessarily advisable if you don’t have the skills to back it up.

Regular Updates

CS:GO’S an impressive audience, and support means that the developers are constantly churning out updates. If you compare the original 2012 CS:GO version, you’ll notice substantial visual upgrades (especially for people whose gaming rigs are powerful). So, post-2020, the game is a beauty to behold!

From adding new guns and skins to gameplay stability updates, they want players to experience the game in its purest and most optimized form. That is a form of bugs, slow loading times, glitches, server errors, and all sorts of unnecessary hold-ups. In fact, without the regular updates, CS:GO wouldn’t look good on PC’s with insufficient processing power. And that means revenue will eventually drop once players stop betting on CS:GO.

Our Final Say on CS:GO

CS:GO’s fan base will keep on expanding, judging by its current progress in the esports industry. What’s more, the more players join the movement, the more competitive the game becomes. So, subsequent CS:GO tournaments and competitions are more entertaining for the fans, sponsors, and pro-level players.

In short, we can conclude that CS:GO deserves the attention it’s getting because both the fans and developers are dedicated to the game. Many pro-level players have made this esports title their primary source of income. Thus, we hope it becomes more popular with time! Fortunately, that means more maps, guns, and tons of explosions to please the trigger-happy part in us.

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