7 Educational Games for Kids’ Early Learning

Educational Games

Nurturing a child takes more than giving them your full attention. You need to create a solid system that will help them feel content with their ambitions and achievements. You can have the greatest impression on another human being in their early life. Most parents understand this. Every parent should focus on helping their children feel confident and competent so that they can develop a sense of purpose and passion.

Today, millions of children around the world spend most of their time on a screen thanks to rapid technological advancements. Online apps and games are among the best ways to educate and entertain children. These tools also give parents a couple of minutes to relax and recover lost energies. However, spending too much time in front of a screen has several disadvantages.

Children may start spending less time with their parents. Plus, their verbal and motor skills can be negatively affected. Early learning revolves around shaping the child to help them become responsible adults. Educational games are essential in early learning. In this post, we are going to share with you a few benefits of educational games on early childhood learning and the best games for kids. Let’s get started!

Benefits of educational games

1.      Team building

Games help children learn how to cooperate and get along with each other. They also force learners to think about moral problems and come up with effective solutions.

2.      Intellectual advantages

When they play games, young children learn the art of detecting patterns, planning, and predicting the outcome of different alternatives. Educational games enhance your child’s ability to think and solve complex problems.

3.      Logical reasoning

Scientific research studies have shown that children who play numerical games tend to develop superior math skills which will help them in school and their careers. The one thing that you cannot avoid in life is numbers. Why not check this site to have time to enjoy playing with numbers with your kids?

Controlling impulses – Educational games help children learn how to adhere to the rules and reflect on every decision they make. And this leads to improved performance on tasks that require self-control and mental focus. Educational workbooks and games are designed to help children to practice different subjects and develop transferable skills. Every day, we encounter situations that test our patience. Raising kids who can adjust and adapt to different situations is essential.

Educational Games 1

4.      Developing analytical skills

As children play educational games, they get to learn that solving problems effectively is only possible through practice. Such children do not hesitate when opportunities present themselves. They also learn from their shortcomings. Children can build their confidence and develop problem-solving skills by playing educational games.

5.      Cognition benefits

Educational games are useful in teaching logic, math, and critical thinking skills. Several research studies have shown that children learn more when they try to explain their thinking processes. Educational games are great tools as they develop problem-solving skills among kids.

6.      Critical thinking

When experiments and games are integrated with lessons on basic logic, hypothesis testing, and other essential topics, children get to learn different ways that they can practice their reasoning skills. Educational games can be used to teach important principles of thinking critically.

7.      Enhances working memory

Playing games that involve counting, identifying numbers, or games that force children to pick between two numbers helps children develop and improve the performance of their working memory. Educational games help young children to develop an intuition of the numerical scale. When these skills are developed early in life, they have the potential of transforming the child’s life.

Best educational games for children

1.      Duck, Duck, Goose

Do you remember playing this game when you were a child? Do you know that you were developing your strategic thinking skills as you played this game? Children sit in a circle and one of them around the circle and chooses another child to be the goose and runs after them in a circle. The strategy that applies here is that a child who chooses a friend who isn’t paying attention increases their chances of running around the circle without getting caught.

2.      Musical Chairs

This game can stress out some kids. However, it’s okay for your child because it helps them learn how to cope with frustration and disappointment and communicate with others patiently. All you need to do is set up a chair and ensure that there is one fewer chair than the number of children participating. While playing music, the children will walk around the circle and once the music stops, they need to find a chair. Every round, one child will be knocked out. And this can lead to conflicts as children will start arguing about who sat on the chair first.

3.      Red light, green light

Do you want to help your children learn how to be patient and resist impulses? This is the ideal preschool game for them. One child stands towards the end of a huge space and faces away from other children who are lined up away from him or her. When he is not looking, other children will move toward him or her at different paces. However, when he turns around, they all have to freeze or they’ll get caught and be out of the game. Children will have to ask themselves questions such as where they should and how quickly they can run to avoid getting caught.

4.      Sleeping lions

This game is ideal for children who have started learning recently as it helps them ignore distractions and improve their focus. One child walks around and tries to wake up her colleagues who pretend to be sleeping lions. If they laugh, move or open their eyes, they’ll be disqualified. The child who completely ignores the wake-up attempts gets rewarded. If they laugh, move or open their eyes, they are out. It’s quite difficult for young children to focus. However, with practice, they’ll manage to ignore distractions and improve their focus.

Educational Games 2

5.      Concentration/memory

Children can play the concentration game with a few others or by themselves. This game not only improves concentration but also boosts short-term memory. The game can be played in different ways. However, they all challenge them to show others their hidden matches. The game involves spreading cards while flipping matching pairs over so that they cannot be seen. Children will turn two cards at the same time until they get a pair. The main aim is to match every pair. Children need to pay close attention to remember where they had placed other similar cards to win.

6.      Four corners

This game is ideal for energetic players and essay service writers. It helps them develop social skills like speaking and listening. The game is played by labeling the room’s corners with different shapes, colors, or numbers depending on the lesson that you want them to learn. One child gets blindfolded while others stand in a corner. The blindfolded kid says one of the children who are in the corner and all the kids in that corner get eliminated. Next, the children choose new corners and the game starts all over again until one kid is left and he’s named the winner.

7.      MTiny

Since you are looking for the best preschool games, you should keep in mind that those that have survived for several years now are the best. Remember, children live in a technological world. And they are trying out new things with technology. And that’s what mTiny is all about.

MTiny integrates different components of preschool games such as confidence, creativity, critical thinking, and social skills into a system that’s ideal for each age group. They get to learn how to solve problems and build their curiosity and resilience. It provides engagement and stimulation to children who need to learn various subjects such as Math, music, and English to name a few.


Preschool games play an integral role in developing essential life skills and building confidence among young children. Which game are you going to play with your child today?


About the author:

Tiffany Harper is a training guru who’s been working in the corporate sector as a technology expert for several years now. She is a management graduate and loves to share her experience through blogs and expert articles with Paper Writing Pro. For her love of writing, she provided online consultations for essay writing service UK while working with Assignment Masters. Please do not hesitate to contact her on LinkedIn.

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