Absolver’s launch trailer reminds us it’s going to kick our butts tomorrow…

Absolver, the slick action-RPG kung-fu fest from Sloclap and Devolver Digital is headed to PS4 and PC tomorrow. We’ve been playing and digging the game ourselves, and you can look forward to our full review tomorrow and on MMORPG.com (both places, different writers!). For now, take a look at the action in store, and prime your defenses.

From the Absolver media blast:

Absolver, the gorgeous and clever online melee brawler from Devolver Digital and Sloclap, will invite fighters worldwide to prove themselves mighty enough to join the ranks of the Absolvers when it launches on PlayStation 4 and PC tomorrow. A launch trailer for the game has been released today to mark the occasion, and it’s a great reminder of the brutal duels and incredible fighting styles warriors will have to endure and master throughout their quest.

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