Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown Interview

Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown was recently announced as a PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC release. Our buddies at Week in Geek attended an event where they had a chance to see the game.  They spoke with producer Kazutoki Kono about the game, its goals, and more.

The PlayStation 4 version will feature exclusive missions and two-player split screen local multiplayer will be featured. This is the first Ace Combat game for the current generation of consoles, and the first one built in Unreal Engine 4. Skies Unknown is expected to launch later in 2017.

From the Week in Geek YouTube Channel:

As we prepare to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Ace Combat series with the upcoming release of the 7th installment in the franchise, Skies Unkown we had the chance to catch up with the game’s producer, Kazutoki Kono. Check out his thoughts on the history, future and themes of the series.

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