Alaloth: Champions of The Four Kingdoms Explains In-Game Map System

Alaloth Champions of The Four Kingdoms Explains In-Game Map System

Following the lengthy game overview, the developers of Alaloth: Champions of the Four Kingdoms have taken to Steam to share an in-depth look at the title’s in-game map system and all it entails, including the inner workings of the calendar.

In the game, your character is given the freedom to move wherever you want since the very beginning and different terrains mean different travel speed: crossing a mountain takes much more time than, say, traversing through an elven forest. Monsters, wandering merchants, wandering units from other clans and houses and other champions are constantly moving on the map so you might want to plan your route to avoid the dangerous encounters.

“You’ll be able to use mounts and mounts will be crucial in many different ways: you can increase the size of your inventory and of course take advantages of riding many different beasts! We’ll have horses of course but each race will have its own racial mount to use and specials will be unlocked with reputations and quests. Bears, wolves, battle goats but even a griffin could be an option for the best warriors! We’ll go in details very soon when talking about vendors in one of the next updates!”

The world of Plamen is ever-changing and going through the phases that are going to affect gameplay in many ways, so the passing of time and the calendar are worth keeping an eye on. Alaloth becames stronger and stronger in each phase, mobs spawning on the map will be way more deadly and new dangers will pop-up from The Fifth Kingdom, making things very difficult.

Night and day cycle is a thing as well, affecting spawns and layouts for locations, even quests will be different. So don’t forget to visit cities and points of interest in different moments as there are many things happening only when the sun rises-up or goes down.

Alaloth: Champions of The Four Kingdoms’s calendar consists of 10 months, 30 days each, with various races having their own holidays and festivities bringing unique NPCs forth. Moon phases are also important, and the biggest secrets will be unveiled only at full moon.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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