Alexis Kennedy Dishes on Secret / Not Secret Dragon 4 Story & Process

Alexis Kennedy DA4

Alexis Kennedy is well-known in some circles as the creator of Sunless Sea. His fame is, however, getting ready to be blown off the charts with his involvement in Dragon Age 4.

Dragon Age 4 hasn’t officially been announced, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t a thing.

Alexis Kennedy & Dragon Age 4

Kennedy’s involvement with BioWare is something new for him having not worked on a game quite like what’s planned for Dragon Age 4 before. The project has its own challenges including remote work between his UK home and BioWare’s many offices. The project is, he says, spread across all three studios in Edmonton, Montreal and Austin.

Writing for a big franchise like Dragon Age is something totally different than other projects with which he has been involved. A single quest line, for instance, can take up to four days to plan, break down and finalize. In addition, he has to write within certain constraints of the overall story itself.

The larger story will take off where Dragon Age: Inquisition left off: Tevinter The knife plunged into the map pretty much sealed that deal, though it’s not likely that Kennedy’s portion takes place there. His part of the story will be more singular including references to the big picture.

Is he worried about the pressure of writing for a BioWare RPG? Not really though he does give a few thoughts about the pressure the studio is under with every game it releases. Players, he believes, always want to recapture that first BioWare experience including the relationships built with characters. But that is, of course, impossible three years down the road. You aren’t the same and the game isn’t the same.

In the end, Kennedy is unconcerned about his part of the DA story. He knows he cares about what he has and is doing.

It’s a great interview and worth the time to read. Most important, we now know for a fact that Dragon Age 4 is on the way!

Check out the full article at Eurogamer.

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