An Endless Universe Novel Announced for Release Next Month

Endless Universe Novel - a space ship hovers in front of a cave explorer

Shadow of the Endless, a sci-fi tale and Endless universe novel, will bring an in game universe to shelves on 15 October 2024.

Just after I started The Archimedes Engine, it seems that there’s another sci-fi game tie in coming to my bookshelf. Shadow of the Endless is a new space opera set to expand the Endless gaming universe, and hopefully find a home on kindles and shelves across the globe. Takin inspiration from games like Endless Space, Endless legend, and Endless Dungeon, this set of script follows the fate of young Pilgrim Sewa Eze. Trapped aboard a spacefaring fleet that has long been hunted across the stars, a surprise awaits this caravan in the cold depths of space.

shadow of the endless book cover

As a caver, Sewa would normally explore the depths of deserted moons, asteroids, and worlds to secure resources. However, an unusual relic awaits ion one expedition. What spins out from this discovery is an unexpected set of consequence, a promotion to lead, and a traitor in the shadows that threatens an entire people.

It’s clear to see where this leans into dungeon runs, space strategy, and epic action, just as the Endless series does. Here author Stephen Gaskell has managed to take a sprawling ancient galaxy and hone it into a more direct tale around a single fleet of people on the edge of existence. If you haven’t played Amplitude Studio’s Endless series, these types of stand-alone novels are a great introduction to the wider universe and a good choice if your Steam Deck or Switch are all out of battery. Shadow of the Endless will be available for £9.99 / $17.99 in paperback via Titan books on 15 October. Check out more on this Endless universe novel and the Endless game series official website.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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