Anime Hero Shooter Second Wave Begins Early Access

Second Wave Early Access kicks off today, giving us a glimpse of Genshin styled action crammed into a fantastical hero shooter.

Challengers Games just kicked off Early Access for Second Wave over on Steam. Players looking to find out what would happen if you took the current wave of anime gacha hits and crammed in some boisterous Overwatch inspired mechanics can find out now. The title, from the same studio that brought social deduction sim iLLANG to life, is in its early stages and will set potential players back around $30 for a chance to try out this arena-based battler.

Second Wave is undeniably appealing to Otaku, but the newly minted experience isn’t about pulling for husbandos. Instead, Second Wave puts competitors into the world of Armantia. I don’t have the space to delve into the 400,00-word lore text, but more immediate action comes in the form of the hero roster. Pick from a range of archetypes, tanks, warriors, ranged damage, mages, assassins, and support. Each of the 17 characters comes with its own playstyle and a range of item options to make the three game modes an intense brawl.

Domination, Three-Way, and Stone Grab all provide a variety of playstyles that compete for the power of the Arcane Stone. Whether it’s 6v6, 3v3v3v3, or 4v4v4 the twelve heroes can all look unique too. A cosmetic-only store means this particular title should be play to win. If you’re not entirely convinced that dropping Paladins or the upcoming SMITE 2 for this brightly colored pew fest is right yet, then there’s still plenty of time to read the lore text and uncover some secret items. Challangers has confirmed that Early Access will be around a year of work, and hoping to go free to play at the version 1 launch. Check out the trailer and the official website for more on Second Wave.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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