Apex Legends “Duos” make a limited time comeback

Apex Legends

Apex Legends players will be able to take part in a sweetheart of an event that has already kicked off in-game. During the Valentine’s Day Rendezvous event, players can check out duos play and leverage a number of buffs and bonuses for the duration.

Players will want to log in to collect the exclusive Valentine’s 2020 Badge before heading into Duos.

  • “Double Up” XP Boost
    • Squad up with a buddy and earn double XP (up to 20k per day)
  • New and Returning Valentine’s items
    • 2 new Pathfinder and Nessie gun charms
    • Return of last year’s “Through the Heart” DMR and “Love of the Game” Banner at discount

There’s not a whole lot of other information about the event, though it sounds pretty sweet. It runs from today through February 18th so be sure to check out the Apex Legends official site to learn more.

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