Arcane: Bridging the Rift Peers behind The Scenes Ahead Of Season 2 Launch

Riot is about to let us all peer beyond the veil today with the launch of documentary series Arcane: Bridging The Rift.

League of Legend fans, and casual observers alike, have been audience to an incredible expansion in Riot Studio’s properties of late. The Arcane animated spin off is arguably the studio’s biggest success in this endeavour, brining a nine episode series to streaming service Netflix, and introducing this universe to a whole new group of potential players. Now we’re about to get a look behind the process with Bridging the Rift.

Riot dropped trailer for the show just yesterday, confirming that fans and int3erese parties will be able to watch this new release via the official YouTube channel today. The details given out by the gaming studio confirm that this is a multi-part documentary, giving us a glimpse at the development process behind the LoL spin off. With five parts expected, the YouTube release will delve into the studio shift from three minute music videos to an entire feature. This covers design, storyboarding, narrative processes, music, animation, and more.

We’re probably most excited to see the way that Riot manage to scale up and run a project this size without it all coming crashing down. If you haven’t seen Arcane, this League of Legends animation takes the iconic characters of Jinx and Vi, exploring their origins and fates amid the tensions and stark discord that marks the twin cities of Piltover and Zaun. Numerous other fan nods, familiar characters, and more are injected into this adventure, much like DOTA: Dragon’s Blood, and there’s still plenty of time to catch it ahead of Season 2 over on Netflix. According to an update via Netflix, Arcane: Bridging The Rift will launch on 4 August on the official Riot YouTube channel.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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