Arcane, the animated series set in the universe of Riot’s MOBA League of Legends, released the first act containing the first three episodes that are now available on Netflix. The second part will air on November 13th and the third will run on November 20th.
Arcane dives into the delicate balance between the rich city of Piltover and the seedy underbelly of Zaun. Known across Runeterra as the “city of progress,” many of the most brilliant minds call these cities home. But the creation of hextech, a way for any person to control magical energy, threatens that balance. While Arcane holds the backstories of League of Legends champions, the series is designed to stand on its own as a complex world filled with moral decisions, breathtaking animation, and suspenseful storytelling.
Here. We. Go.
Experience #Arcane Act 1 on @Netflix, or with your favorite streamer on @Twitch.WATCH ? | | #ArcaneWatchParty
— Arcane (@arcaneshow) November 7, 2021