ArcheAge Unchained delayed to October 15th

Today’s ArcheAge Unchained Livestream began with the biggest news

Archeage Unchained is now launching on October 15th.

Khrolan explained that more time was needed to ensure content and the store for Unchained after receiving community feedback. Instead of giving players less time on the PTS (Public Test Server) to test these new features Khrolan believed changing dates for both live and PTS launch would ensure the best experience.

Other facts –

  • PTS will run from October 1st until October 13th.
  • Unchained will then go dark for the day prior to launch.
  • Name Reservation also occurs October 1st for those who buy a pack

There is a community #CelebrateArcheAge contest happening on Twitter and Steam will be available at launch on October 15th though there will be no pre-order packs available on Steam.

The other biggest changes for Unchained is there will be no Loyalty store – Diligence coins replace this currency and Unchained will not launch with a daily login tracker though may return at a later date.

The current guild level cap of 50 will not be changing.

Multiboxing is also a hot topic for the Unchained community along with gold selling.

Khrolan cares only that players are playing their characters, tending the keyboard. If a player chooses to play many accounts at once they will set off alarms and it will be strictly monitored. Other topics were brought up but we will fast forward to gold sellers. In the past, the ArcheAge team removed the original source of any gold selling only. A policy will be introduced for Unchained that is: anyone who buys gold will be banned immediately.

Lastly, let’s chat about FLUFFY.

ArcheAge Unchained 1

Fluffy does exist Khrolan and comes from Rift Public Test Shard! Adopted by Dev Bigdatadude for ArcheAge Fluffy gives us all we need on PTS though Fluffy is currently on vacation on ArcheAge PTS but will return soon!

There was a lot of readdressed topics which we’ve already covered in past livestream recaps but if you would like to know everything discussed, watch the stream & have a good weekend!

Watch [20-09] ArcheAge & ArcheAge: Unchained – Live stream from gamigogames on

Present at ArcheAge Unchained Livestream:

  • Combodash Community Manager
  • Merve Lee Kwai – Khrolan Executive Producer
  • Djaya Community Manager

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