ArenaNet Will Unveil Guild Wars 2: End Of Dragons On 27 July

ArenaNet Will Unveil Guild Wars 2: End Of Dragons On 27 July

Guild Wars 2 developer ArenaNet has just dropped a summer roadmap and confirmed that it will unveil Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons on 27 July.

With the finale of The Icebrood Saga just launched and a wait before we make a journey out to Cantha, Guild Wars 2 developer ArenaNet has something in store to keep players occupied. A brand new roadmap for summer 2021 has just appeared over at the official Guild Wars 2 website with a firm date for a first look at Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons. On 27 July 2021, Commanders can assemble for a reveal event, featuring feature a live stream, new details on the setting and story, and more information on when players can participate in upcoming beta events for End of Dragons.

A First Look

Alongside the new event information, today also gifts players with three new pieces of concept art from the upcoming MMORPG expansion, hinting at the setting and new lands players will explore when they start their new adventure. You can take a glimpse at the new concept art teasers below and start guessing.


EoD Concept 3


EoD Concept 1


Summer Fun

In addition to the upcoming expansion hype, ArenaNet has dropped detail on a series of events that will any content void over the next few months. This summer roadmap kicks off on 11 May, just ahead of the End of Dragons reveal and includes balance updates, Living World celebrations, boss battles, new Legendary improvements, and more.



  • 11 May – Skills and balance update for the game’s professions and their elite specializations
  • 25 May – Free to play rerun of previous Living World content including a brand new precursor reward
  • 13 July – The Twisted Marionette returns alongside the new Legendary Armory

This isn’t everything, and Guild Wars 2 will bring back weeklong experience bonuses for both PvE and PvP players, a Fractal Rush community event, and the return of the yearly Dragon Bash festival throughout the summer. If you want a more detailed breakdown of what’s coming, head over to the official Guild Wars 2 blog now and prepare before AnrenaNet unveil Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons on 27 July.

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