Arma 3 Tanks DLC – Tanks for the Memories


Straight out of Prague, we have heard the most recent news coming from Bohemia Interactive. The release date for Arma 3 Tanks DLC will be available Aprill 11, 2018. Arma 3’s current roadmap for development will end with this DLC which brings a new Main Battle Tank, Tank Destroyer, Armored Weapons Carrier, a singleplayer Showcase scenario, and a short singleplayer mini-campaign.

Arma 3 Tanks DLC Key Features

  • Showcase Tank Destroyers – In the Showcase Scenario, you will play in the Rhino MGS UP as a Nato Crewman. The Tank Destroyer features similar firepower to that of a Main Battle Tank, however, it is more vulnerable when you take a look at the armor. The Rhino’s main assets are its speed and maneuverability, use these to your advantage.
  • “Altis Requiem” Mini-Campaign – You assume the role of an AAF tank commander in three singleplayer scenarios. You experience Arma 3’s “The East Wind” campaign from the opposite perspective. You will be in command of the AWC Nyx while you fight the FIA. You will also be offered the opportunity to operate the T-140 Angara Main Battle Tank. The story offers different possible endings depending on how you play them.
  • T-140 Angara – A Main Battle Tank designed by the Russians and used by CSAT. It was built to be a massive pain in the enemy’s side, but also to protect its crew. It has an arsenal of weapons at its command to help take out other tanks.
  • AWC Nyx – This Armored Weapons Carrier was produced based on German Tanks and is used by the AAF Forces. It has several different variants, Anti-Tank, Anti-Air, Recon, and Autocannon. It comes ready to rumble with the armor to withstand up to a 7.62 shell.
  • Rhino MGS – A wheeled Armored Fighting Vehicle (AFV) this is built to destroy tanks. It is referred to as a ‘Tank Destroyer’. This tank also has its own UP Variant and has a big enough arsenal to take on anything that is sent against it.

Arma 3 Platform Update

The Tanks DLC will also include a major platform update, a free update. Version 1.82 will introduce free features and bonus material for all Arma 3 owners.

  • Highlights include fully-modeled interiors of the tanks in 3D. There will be different customizations for the vehicles as well as improved statistics.
  • There will be new targeting options in the new update. The Fire Control System will automatically measure the range and speed of a target as well as other intuitive features. A new missile flight feature that enables you to fire missiles direct or from a top-down attack mode.
  • A new team-vs-team multiplayer mode called “Vanguard” will be added into this update. New Time Trial Challenges will be added for the new vehicles and 2 new anti-tank launchers will be added with new tank variants.
  • Arma 3 content creators are also giving you the ability to use new free decorative objects in the in-game scenario creator.

Here is a bit of video as well from the Developer’s Diary.

Per the news release “Arma 3 Tanks DLC is now available for pre-order with a 10% pre-order discount on the Bohemia Store and Steam (original price: € 9.99 / $ 11.99 / £ 8.99). People can also pick up the Arma 3 DLC Bundle 2 (includes Jets, Laws of War, Tac-Ops Mission Pack, and Tanks DLC) at € 22.99 / $ 24.99 / £ 19.99, which saves them more than 25% over purchasing each DLC separately.

A complete overview of the content and features in Arma 3 Tanks DLC (and its associated free 1.82 platform update) is available at Also be sure to follow Arma 3 on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Steam to keep track of all the latest news.”

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