Armello Dragon Clan DLC Roars Onto PC

Armello Dragon Clan DLC

Armello, the epic animal strategy game from League of Geeks gets a brand new update today as the Dragon Clan DLC fires onto PC.

It’s been some time since we’ve last seen an update from the League of Geeks for this unforgiving turn-based strategy. Originally released in 2015, Armello has only had three significant DLC additions in the last few years, with the last DLC at the tail end of 2017. Now, an insidious band of scaled heroes joins the fray in an effort to reclaim their birthright. As battle breaks out and players roll for victory, The Dragon Clan aim to reign supreme.

The Dragon Clan update is only Armello’s second clan DLC and features a range of extras for players. Four new playable heroes join the board.

Volodar, Wormchanter
A self-proclaimed prophet able to influence sophisticated and beastly minds alike.

Oxana, The Sentinel
A member of the elite group of Druid hunters, she is the perfect weapon against the Wyld.

Agniya, The Revenant
Likely the oldest creature in Armello, this ancient warrior still holds her oath to the Worm.

Nazar, The Maniac
An illusionist devoted to The Worm who is as crafty as he is paranoid.

As well as this quartet, an exclusive Dragon Quest system, a complete Dragon Clan Novella, Dragon Dice, six new Signets, and a new Amulet are available in the Dragon Clan Update. These are exclusive to the DLC and are intended to change the way players approach the game. The new amulet even allows heroes to embrace their dark side and become Armello’s next villain.

If you haven’t heard of Armello then this digital board game mixes the cute and cuddly critters of this world with the brutal throne wars and a strategic approach to warfare. You can find out more about Armello in our review, and then pick up the latest DLC on Steam. While we don’t know when this new DLC will make it onto other platforms, you can keep an eye out for that on the game’s official website.

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