Arms Trade Tycoon: Tanks Rolls Onto Microprose Lineup via Kickstarter

Keep your tracks on, Microprose has just announced Arms Trade Tycoon: Tanks, coming to PC soon.

Old school publisher Microprose has just announced a new title in its mix of military shooter and sims, but this time it’s not throwing players onto the front lines. Just launched on Kickstarter and already available to wishlist, Arms Trade Tycoon: Tanks is a military sim with a difference, rolling into action in Q3 2023. Developed by FunGi, this armored management sim understands that the only winners in war are the arms dealers, and puts players in charge of an arms trading company specialized in tanks from WWI to the modern era.

Alongside a plethora of liveries and cannons, players charging into industry will need to research, design, produce the ultimate fighting machines to make a mint. You’ll manage sales, costs, design strategies, and more as you build a different type of empire in the tycoon sim, but it’s not all ledgers. Arms Trade Tycoon: Tanks will allow players to see the outcome of their designs across small scale skirmishes and huge open field encounters, with the best designs likely to impact sales and research ideas.

While 2023 is some way off, Arms Trade Tycoon: Tanks is highly likely to make it onto the desktop battlefield. A Kickstarter campaign is already funded, although we’re not sure why a £7,241 goal is actually necessary if Microprose has already agreed to publish it. Still, anybody who is a fan of titles like Carrier Commander 2 but with a little more business acumen behind it can head over to the Steam Store page to wishlist Arms Trade Tycoon: Tanks now.

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