Artificer – Release Date Revealed

The developer Psilocybe Games (Balthazar’s Dream) shared the release date of the upcoming adventure RPG Artificer. The game is coming to Steam on July 23rd.

Artificer is a single-player survival RPG focused on researching and practicing arcane arts. The game takes place on Alcor – a planet full of deadly creatures, bizarre plants and alien races.

Artificer Features:

  • The Story – Survive the perils of the alien planet as Raymond Everett, a marooned science officer of HMS Hawking, pitting your resourcefulness and intellect against the eldritch beings of Alcor that are after your head.
  • Create Magic – Delve into a dangerous world of mystical research to uncover new recipes and rituals on a journey to unlimited power. Create spells and build magical automatons. Perform magical experiments to further your knowledge. Master alchemy, thaumaturgy and divination to construct artifacts of immense power.
  • Explore Alcor – Steal arcane secrets from ancient ruins. Learn alien languages to read magical grimoires. Fight monsters and dissect them to learn their weaknesses. Harvest valuable alchemical ingredients.

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