Assassin’s Creed 2019: Is This Where We’re Heading?

Its around that time again when Assassins Creed fans will be on the look out for any clues that might lead up to official announcements of the next series title and we are not disappointed! According to rumors linked to sources at Ubisoft, the next game in the series may be headed to Greece!

Rumors began when earlier development of Assassin’s Creed Origins were code named Empire. This was in 2015 as suggestions were also made that Greece would appear in the game but Egypt would be the focus. Later the sources of these rumors began to report that Greece would instead be saved for the game following Origins. Two years later Assassins Creed art director Raphael Lacoste, who also worked on Origins – posted a holiday picture from Greece fueling rumors even more.

According to Comicbook the following is occurring with development:

The next Assassin’s Creed is currently scheduled for release in fall 2019. Our sources indicate that the game entered full production around the start of 2017 at Ubisoft, preceding the launch of Origins. It’s said to be in development for Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

We will be keeping an eye on this with you, along with any updates with current Assassin’s Creed titles!


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