Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla – New Armory Building & Customizable Loadouts

Developer Ubisoft continues following the Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla roadmap shared in April. This time the game received Title Update 1.5.2, introducing a new Armory feature that allows mighty Vikings to swap their loadouts on the fly to fit their playstyle.

“Ravensthorpe is expanding! Use foreign cargo to construct the new Armory building where you can display your favorite gear from throughout your journey. Explore unique playstyles with new customizable loadouts that, once assigned to a loadout slot, can be freely swapped in and out from anywhere in England!”

The Armory can be built after upgrading Ravensthorpe to Level 3 and requires foreign cargo, which can be obtained in River Raids. Once built, it will function as your own personal gallery for the gear and weapons that have served you well in the various raids, assassinations, and adventures throughout your playtime.

The update also added new rewards to River Raids and introduced a variety of bug fixes and improvements. Follow the link above to see the full list of changes.


In Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, become Eivor, a fierce Viking warrior from Norway, and embark on the greatest journey. Settle with your clan in the rich lands of England and give your people hope and a reason to fight for. Meet the hidden ones and uncover the mysteries of this new saga… Between wars and secrets, will you claim your place in Valhalla?

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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