Banner Saga Vignette Reveals an Earlier Release Than Thought

Stoic and Versus Evil have sent out a brand new trailer for The Banner Saga 3. Of course, that in an of itself is great, but what makes it even better is the notation in the video’s description that announces a Summer 2018 release date! This is fantastic as the game was originally planned to come out in late 2018.

The trailer centers on a character named Fasolt and examines his motivations with regard to the story. What are his motives and will he “turn his back on civilization in their greatest time of need in revenge for wrongs past?”

The game is set for release on PC and Mac.

Banner Saga 3

From the KickStarter information page:

This is the highly anticipated final game of an award winning trilogy. It’s a role-playing game merged with turn-based strategy, wrapped into an adventure mini-series about Vikings.

Many modern games play it safe – you are the chosen one who always saves the day. Our game is different, you can’t take anything for granted.

Picture the classic tactical strategy games of your childhood but refined for the modern age. It’s not about grinding to get past the next fight. Every encounter, every decision you make has heavy and sometimes far-reaching consequences. It throws you into the end of the world and asks,”how do you deal with this”?

BS3 is aimed at people who appreciate art, story and strategy.

Battles in BS3 are turn-based, harkening back to the classic “Tactics” days of gaming. The combat is straight-forward and easy to learn, but after a few battles you’ll realize the game’s simplicity hides a vast tactical depth. Each turn is an engrossing challenge for even the most seasoned tactician.

Build your party from a roster of over 40 unique characters, each with different abilities that interact in varying ways. Each unit has a combat style all their own, but it’s how they work together that counts and a well-chosen roster will equal more than the sum of its parts.

BS3 combat has a classic turn-based gameplay, with a strong emphasis on tactics over brute force and endless grinding.

Travel through stunning landscapes that evoke films from the golden age of animation. Sweeping vistas straight out of a Norse saga will accompany an emerging storyline and pin the imagination squarely in the realm of a Wagnerian Opera.

The Darkness plays a major role in BS3 and your exploration of it will be unlike anything you have experienced in the previous sagas. Interact with the vast city of Arberrang and travel its streets. The gods may be dead, but their godstones and their world, remain full of wonder.

Every scene in the game is painstakingly hand painted with the intent of transporting you into a bleak yet beautiful world.


  1. Is this the final game of this story? Both previous games ended on cliff hangers. Would be great to see a conclusion to Ragnarok.

    • Yes, this is the final game in the trilogy. Arnie, our Artistic Director has hinted there may be more stories to tell in the world of Banner Saga, but this game will conclude the story that began in the first game. ?

      • That’s incredibly exciting, though! Can’t wait to play through all three on the Switch. 🙂

      • Thank you for the reply. I will be buying this game on launch. I really hope you guys release the 3rd game on Android like the previous two. Love playing them on my tablet. I’ll also buy it a second time if you release it on Switch 🙂

  2. Yes, this is the final game in the trilogy. Arnie, our Artistic Director has hinted there may be more stories to tell in the world of Banner Saga, but this game will conclude the story that began in the first game. 🙂

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