Batora: Lost Haven – Official Announcement Trailer

Batora Lost Haven - Official Announcement Trailer

Developer Stormind Games (creators of the horror series Remothered) announced a new project. Batora: Lost Haven combines the features of a hack & slash and a twin-stick shooter in a nonlinear interplanetary story-driven action RPG.

The story of the game follows Avril, a 16-years old girl who lost everything and is the only person who can attempt to save her planet. Soon enough, Avril will learn that the line between good and evil is thin. It’s up to her to decide whom to believe: her choices will change the destiny of the universe.

Check out the game’s Steam page to find out more!

The game will be coming to PC, next-gen and current-gen consoles, including Nintendo Switch.

Batora: Lost Haven Features

  • PHYSICAL/MENTAL DUALISM: Find the perfect balance between your body and mind to face the challenges and enigmas you will find along the journey, but keep an eye on the double health bar: it tracks both your physical and mental healths, and if you lose sight of one of them… you’re dead!
  • DEFENDER OR CONQUEROR?: Choose if you need to use your wits or strength in your interactions with the factions: decide who you want to become while you reach your goal, but be careful of the consequences…
  • FAST-PACED MULTI-LAYERED COMBAT SYSTEM: Quickly learn when to switch between physical and mental mode: sharpening your strategic dualism is the only way to keep pace with your opponents!
  • RETRO SCI-FI VISUALS: Fill your eyes with the original hand-painted visuals inspired by the Retro Sci-Fi Art of the 1950s – you will visit colorful and fascinating planets, and meet the most intriguing creatures of the entire universe!
  • RESPONSIVE NON-LINEAR NARRATION: Your choices will change the fate of the universe and of the creatures that inhabit it. Are you ready to take responsibility for your decisions? Find out all the possible outcomes of the storyline designed by a Writers Guild Award winner!

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