Battalion 1944 Leaving Early Access On May 23

Bulkhead Interactive has announced that Battalion 1944: Eastern Front is approaching its full release. The game will leave Steam Early Access on May 23rd.

And precision is extremely important. This has been just over a year in Early Access development – sticking to our plan of taking on board your feedback and polishing the game to a state that we are confident that hardcore FPS players, new & returning, will enjoy. Instead of us hyping up the full release – we’ll let this list of features & improvements do the talking for us and you can enjoy just a little tease at what’s to come.

Here are things that you can find in the game once it launches on May 23rd:

Russian faction & Russian weapons (PPSh-41 Drum Magazine, SVT-40, Baikal 21 Double Barrel Shotgun, PPS-43 Stick Magazine, Fedorov Avtomat, Mosin Nagant, Mosin Nagant Scoped, TT-33, RGD-33)

New Maps: Vanguard, Docks and Goldrush

Read through the full announcement to find out what else comes in the full version of the game!

Since then, Bulkhead Interactive has also released the mod tools as well as shed more light on one of the new maps coming on May 23rd: the Docks.

The rooftops are powerful positions, but they are high risk positions. Attackers will often post up at a position where they can take aim at the rooftops and pick off any defenders trying to take a high ground position. Often when playing Docks, it will feel like a game of cat and mouse, gathering crumbs of information from quick head peaks and minor sounds. But in the last 20 seconds of the round the attackers have no choice but to crank up the aggression.

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