Battle Princess Madelyn Is Now Fully Funded & Moves Onto The Stretch Goals

Previous week we made a mention of Battle Princess Madelyn started its Kickstarter campaign. Now, just 5 days later, the game hit its fund mark and is moving into Stretch Goals.

Battle Princess Madelyn – A Father’s Oldschool Tribue To His Daughter

The game follows the adventures of knight in training, Madelyn, as well as her loyal companion Fritzy. They venture out on an adventure to save the princess’ family and kingdom from evil wizard.

Players can expect to find oldschool gameplay that will be nostalgy-inducing and pleasantly familiar to those who enjoyed Ghouls N’ Ghosts. However, there will also be some unique features that game will bring forth.

Battle Princess Madelyn is going to hit PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4 as well as Xbox One.

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