Be a Fangirl Tycoon in the Sensei! I like you so much! Demo

Sensei! I like you so much!

Fandom culture gets a business sim as a Sensei! Demo drops on Steam.

Get a taste of your inner otaku and proceed to deok-jil as fan fiction business sim Sensei! I like you so much! reveals a demo today. Available on Steam for free, the demo is a chance to revel in your obsession, or simply prepare ahead of the full launch.

Tis upcoming fandom business sim portrays players as a fanfic author, struggling to make it big in a competitive writing scene. Feel’s a little close to the bone to be honest. Anybody picking up the pen will be able to drop into this cute adventure, pick a campaign line, and explore a world rife with its own ideas and challenges.

Senpai expects far more than just text on a page. Players will be able to head out into the world, explore and find inspiration for new tales. Gather ideas, put together pieces that fit a huge range of tags. Campus, Celebrity, Medieval, ABO, Fantasy, and more. Fluff, Angst, Reunion, Double Crush, Hurt/Comfort… Lots of tags await your collection! Nerds need to get outside sometimes, and along the way you’ll head to get supplies, attend events, and join comicons. Navigate each niche of your new found fandom, and try not to bump into the gatekeepers. Business moguls can even release a fanzine, set up shop, and craft glorious itabags to cement your legacy, util the next big thing comes around.

What sounds like a cutthroat existence is actually a cute animated, and casual, RPG influenced empire builder. Developer LaoO Studio might not have announced a launch date for your next big thing, but the demo suggests it won’t be that long to wait until we’re screaming our hearts out. I’m off to find out what’s hot on slash fiction these days before diving into the demo on Steam.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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