Rise of Industry 2 Lets You Become an 80s Business Magnate

Become an 80s Business Magnate in Rise of Industry 2

Kasedo Games has announced Rise of Industry 2 coming to PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. Set in the American 80s, players will set off on a journey to become a business magnate by building their empire from the ground up.

The game’s announcement trailer offers viewers a peek inside the action, including gameplay features and more.

Features include

  • Rise to the Challenge: Conquer 15 unique and exciting scenarios in campaign mode, each with a different challenge. Alternatively, define your own path to success in sandbox mode.
  • Optimize Your Production: Set up manufacturing businesses featuring factories, power plants, industrial furnaces and farms! Establish utility networks to power your industries, making use of the natural resources around you.
  • Import and Export Resources: Capitalize on the emerging global market by signing contracts with executives around the world. Import goods and resources to accelerate your production chains and export your products to make the big bucks!
  • Research Technologies: Build labs and set research strategies to help you acquire new technologies that will broaden your horizons and improve your production chains.
  • Make Global Connections: Your social connections are vital – to stay on top you’ll need to know the right people and stay on their good side. Network with CEOs of other companies to trade in materials and finished products, and get introductions to their powerful friends in the industry.
  • Manage Your Business: Satisfy your board of directors by keeping your profit margins high and completing goals to ensure further investment. Don’t worry, you’re not alone out there – hire integral executives to expand your business and increase efficiency.
  • Maintain Civic Relations: Invest in the local town to keep your workers happy and ensure a strong relationship with the local government.

Learn more by visiting the Rise of Industry 2 official site.

Written by
Suzie is an avid gamer and has been since 1995. She lives in the desert with her own personal minion while dreaming of pixel worlds beyond Earth.

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