Beyond Skyrim Shared a Special Teaser to Celebrate Morrowind 20th Anniversary

To celebrate the extremely special occasion of TES III: Morrowind turning 20, the developers of Beyond Skyrim expansion mod shared a celebratory teaser of the upcoming pre-release The New North.

“Venture to the northern islands of Morrowind, featuring Bleakrock Isle and Sheogorad. Experience new, fully-voiced quests, locations, dungeons, equipment, and more in this expansion mod for Skyrim. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: In honor of the occasion, we are also releasing a sneak peek at the New North’s content in the form of a complete set of bonemold weapons, available to download now for Skyrim Special Edition on PC and Xbox!”

Beyond Skyrim is a collaboration between several modding teams that have banded together to create a large continent expansion mods for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Check out their official site to learn more.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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