Big Lebowski Games for the Dude’s 20th Anniversary

The Big Lebowski by Sokov

Followers and fans of The Dude, gather your beers and balls and get ready for some party games. It’s the twentieth anniversary of the Cohen Brothers’ cult classic “The Big Lebowski” and what better way to celebrate than with friends. Puzzle game studio All Things Equal has created a couple Lebowski games to play while you enjoy your favorite movie moments.

big lebowski games coming july 1

Where’s the Money, Lebowski?™ is a Loaded Questions co-branded party game featuring original artwork, custom components, and more than 180 open-ended, Lebowski-inspired questions. No knowledge of the movie is required. The game is for 4-6 players, ages 17-adult. It will retail for $24.99.

Meet Your Match®, Dude is a nine-piece puzzle/brainteaser (one player, ages teen-adult) featuring four of the movie’s main characters, including The Dude, Walter, Donny, and Jesus. The oversized puzzle pieces double as coasters for your White Russians, or what have you. It will retail for $19.99.

Now you may wonder like I did, what would The Dude think of a puzzler and a trivia game. They have nothing to do with bowling and they require a little bit of brainpower. So at first glance, this seems like an opportunistic cash grab by the marketing arm of Universal. I thought, “These bastards are stealing the metaphorical rug right out from under Jeff Bridges.”,  and I was a little indignant. Where’s the toe? Where are the hellacious fisticuff brawls with emo looking German nihilists, and Flea? Where is John Turturro polishing his balls? Bowling balls people, bowling balls, remember the scene?

lebowski your opinion meme

Maybe Universal is capitalizing on nostalgia to make a buck, but if so, it fits the spirit of the movie and it gives fans and newcomers alike the opportunity to talk about all those epic moments again. The Big Lebowski was a movie that encapsulated a snapshot of the culture and mood of middle America in the slacker decade just before the advent of mobile phone domination.

Both games are available at toy and game stores and beginning July 1st. Our featured image for this article was created and shared by Chris Lexow. You can view the original image on Flickr.

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