Bitcoin Well and Athabasca University Launch Bitcoin Academy

Bitcoin 4

More and more companies are looking towards the growth prospects of cryptocurrencies nowadays. Even if the cryptocurrency service-providing companies are well settled to date, they want to expand their business and exploit every opportunity. Due to the widespread availability of different opportunities to grow in the cryptocurrency sector, the bitcoin well has also discovered an opportunity and got the right time to exploit it. Bitcoin well is a company that provides reliable, secure, and convenient methods to purchase, sell and use bitcoins for different types of purposes. However, the company was looking forward to investing in something new for a very long period, and now, it saw the right time to launch its new venture. Recently, it announced that the company is going to launch Bitcoin Academy by an active partnership with the Athabasca University and a very well-known and popular creative agency named sticks and stones.

Even though people are very well experienced and knowledgeable to get complete knowledge about bitcoins and trading on their own, the youth are still not completely aware of the possibilities of profits from cryptocurrencies. Therefore, bitcoin became the company to exploit the opportunity to let people know about this incredible medium of making a profit. Hence, the company took a step forward to designing interactive programming that can provide relevant and reliable information to individuals interested in bitcoins. With the help of this application, the company looks forward to providing professional and personal development to the youth and society in FinTech.Adam O’Brien, the CEO and the founder of bitcoin, said that empowering and educating society will benefit the financial system and uplift society.

The company’s primary business model founded by Adam O’Brien is nothing else but providing the people with power and education to exploit the opportunity and get huge benefits from the non-custodial purchases of cryptocurrencies. It is a basic model on which the company makes profits and runs daily. Therefore, it is necessary to create something which could become a trusted educational resource for the general people. The new bitcoin academy launched by the company will provide people with education regarding the role of bitcoins. It will tell people that bitcoin will play a significant role in financial health, well-being, and a healthy lifestyle. You can know more from portals like the

In an interview, the CEO of bitcoin well, Adam O’Brien, said that she faced many difficulties when she first started exploring bitcoins. It is all because of unreliable resources and a lack of information. Therefore, he said that he was not only once but twice scammed by a lot of people. Also, he said that he took help from the YouTube videos, books, block ports, and some online forums that help get information about bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in the market. However, the bitcoin Academy, which the bitcoin well company launched, will provide a fun learning and approachable educational curriculum for individuals. Also, it will provide fact-based insights through the experts of the cryptocurrency industry in one single place. He mentioned that the company has found that lack of information is one of the most prominent barriers every new cryptocurrency user faces.

While the company was looking forward to creating an application that can provide education on cryptocurrencies and bitcoin, they decided to approach the education experts at Athabasca University. It is a well-known online university in Canada, and it is trendy for removing the barriers that people face is because of a lack of university-level study. A companies’ partnership made it possible to break all the barriers posed between individuals and bitcoins in the best way possible. Also, through the help of these companies, the experts can create content and different type of course structures that can help in the overall development of an individual.

According to the business development officer of the university, the primary idea behind the collaborated companies is demonstrating the power of expertise and collaboration. Both bitcoin and sticks and stones have been incredible partners and work fascinatingly to make a dream come true. With the efforts of both companies, it has been possible to clarify the concept of cryptocurrencies and make them more relatable to the real world.

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