Black Geyser Got Fresh Update & Localization FAQ

Black Geyser Got Fresh Update & Localization FAQ

GrapeOcean Technologies, the developers of isometric party-based cRPG Black Geyser: Couriers of Darkness, have shared a fresh update for the game and answered some of the most frequently asked questions, in particular related to the localization of the title.

The game currently has more than 280,000 words of text, which is an extreme amount for an indie title. Translating this many words is usually very expensive, and takes a very long time for an affordable translator. As a small studio, GrapeOcean is adding languages that they can based on a number of possibilities, including the financial options.

“As a small team, we have been doing our best. If we had been able to postpone the release and refine the game before the launch, we would have done it. Black Geyser has been our dream project, but there are financial limitations. The question wasn’t whether there can be a “Perfect Black Geyser” or a “Black Geyser that needs refinements”, but whether Black Geyser exists or not. Based on the feedback of our community, we felt the only right decision was to stay together, release the game and then keep supporting it as we do now.”

The latest changes made to the game include:

  • Fixed Shady Dealer dialogue in Garden of Delights
  • Added Potion Case, Parchment Satchel and Ingredient Pouch for storing items
  • Jade romance now has a correct cutscene
  • Loot added to many empty containers in Crimson Crossing
  • Loot added to small houses in Amanuel’s Hoard
  • Loot added to Fasitgrove houses
  • Resurrection fix: Revived character’s contribution to Adventure XP will not be lost as long as they can be revived
  • Additional recipes added to various vendors (Ilio, Zelima, Hu’dai, Red Damsel, Freynagar Brewery, Ay’eda, Regon, Arnulf, Aravina, Deron-Guld Herbalist, Southern Shore)
  • Incorrect reply options no longer appear in Rothgor starting dialogue

And much more. Check out the blog post to see the full list.

Written by
A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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