Blazing Hot News for Kill la Kill – IF and Blaze Blue Cross Tag Battle

It almost feels like the turn of the anime season this morning. Arc System Works has dropped a ton of news updates and we barely know where to start but most exciting of these is the news for fans of Blaze Blue Cross Tag Battle and the upcoming Kill la Kill – IF.

Kill la Kill – IF

Arc Systems Works upcoming fighter based on one of Studio Trigger’s many seminal amines, alongside Gurren Lagan, Little Witch Academia, and SSSS Gridman. Now Arc has dropped some exciting updates for the title. Fans of the series can slip back into Senketsu when Kill la Kill – IF launches on July 26, 2019.

Published by Arc, and developed by Aplus, Kill la Kill – IF brings the cast of this nubile fashion conscious anime back for even more adventures. Centered around the idea of “IF’s”, Kill la Kill – IF allows gamers to jump into an arena style action game with their favorites from the franchise. Both Mako Mankanshoku and the Ultimate Double Naked DTR have just been confirmed as new DLC characters for the game’s future and it looks like Kill la Kill – IF won’t fail to impress.

The usual overzealous Arc System Works animation is scripted and supervised by scenario writer Kazuki Nakashima and even includes the entire English voice cast, for those of you that can dub not sub. We don’t have a huge amount of information on the game, except that it is coming to PlayStatin4, Nintendo Switch, and PC and will retail for around $59.99. If you want to get a glimpse of the action, check out more details on the official website right now.

Blaze Blue Cross Tag Battle

If you are looking for something a little more current to quench that anticipation then Arc System Works has got you covered. The publisher behind Blaze Blue Cross Tag Battle has unveiled a new update to the Spring 2019 roster.

Featuring four new characters and a new universe, the four new additions to Blaze Blue Cross Tag Battle are due to land in May 2019 and include a character from the Arcana Heart brand.

Primarily known as a 2D fighting game brand from eastern shores, the Arcana Heart franchise launched back in 2005 and blazed through arcades in Japan and abroad. Examu’s all-female fighting franchise allowed characters to choose an Arcana to customize their character’s fighting style. Now, Heart Aino joins three more new combatants in Arc System Work’s  Blaze Blue Cross Tag Battle.

•Naoto Kurogane (BLAZBLUE) – An in-fighter that turns his own blood into a sword to fight. He specializes in rush attacks utilizing an “enhancer” that strengthens skills.

•Teddie (PERSONA 4 ARENA) – He throws items and performs comical and diverse attacks. Their effects range from automatically launching a ranged attack to recovering HP.

•Seth (UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH) – A speed character that specializes in attacks where he closes in while keeping a distance. He is capable of multi-directional battles with “Captive Segment,” a projectile that attacks with a timer.

•Heart Aino (ARCANA HEART) – An orthodox and balanced character that specializes in dynamic fist punches. Her “Homing”, in which she fast travels toward the enemy, as well as her long-range attack using the blessings of Partinias are powerful!

Blaze Blue Cross Tag Battle is already available on PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PC, and in arcades. To find out more about Arc System Works ultimate anime fan beat down, check out the official website for more details.

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