Bless Unleashed – Coming to PC via Steam in Early 2021

Neowiz and Round8 Studio have released open-world MMORPG Bless Unleashed on Xbox One in March. Now the publisher and the developer have announced that the game will be heading to PC via Steam in early 2021. The game already has a Steam page and you can add it to wishlist.

Bless Unleashed is dynamic combat- driven, vast open-world MMORPG, and our players will be able to explore the world of Bless Unleashed and experience the treacherous, and menacing dungeons with other friends and foes right from your PC. Not only will Bless Unleashed be available in the console platforms, but we are preparing to bring the game through STEAM and

Explore the massive and yet lively world with your allies and friends. Or embark on an epic adventure alone and challenge yourself. From the weapons you wield to the skills you unlock, you have full control of your character’s development and actions. Every choice you make in the world of Bless will shape your story. Forge your destiny and make your adventure a part of history.

  • Vast and diverse landscapes teeming with life await you. The more you explore, the more stories you’ll encounter and experience.
  • Team up with your friends to eliminate threats lurking in perilous dungeons and participate in breathtaking battles with powerful Field Bosses.
  • Mix and match between five unique classes and four distinct races in the World of Lumios to create a character worthy of receiving the blessings from the gods.
  • Enhance equipments obtained during your adventures to amplify and unleash your true powers. Also collect rare skins that many have failed to seize.

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