Bless Unleashed Final Beta Test Sets A Date

Bless Unleashed just confirmed that a final PC beta test is coming on 12 May 2021.

After launching on Xbox and PlayStation Platforms in 2020, Bless unleashed has run the gauntlet ahead of its PC release. Now, that army of testers gets one more chance to break everything when Neowiz and Round8 Studios kick off the final beta test for this free to play MMORPG between 12-16 May. As this event is a precursor to the full release, players jumping into Bless Unleashed will experience a range of changes, all made in response to player feedback through earlier testing stages.

“We’ve been listening to every player’s feedback during the beta tests,” said Jason Park, Round 8 Studio’s head of development. “We’re thrilled with the progress we’ve made with the game in making it a truly first-rate PC gaming experience, and we can’t wait to see what our players think.”

One of the biggest updates will be the in game Lumena shop. As a free to play experience, a cash shop is a normal necessity. Players will be able to check out potential items and help ensure your hard earned gold doesn’t go into a black hole, by using free Lumena currency during the final test phase.

Bless Unleashed is the latest entry in the Bless universe. A free to play MMO, it follows up on the forgettable Bless Online title that kicked off the franchise. Already available on consoles, the traditional fantasy tale was generally well received when it went live and now PC players get the chance to catch up. You can check out a trailer above or head over to the Steam Store page to sign up for one last hurrah.


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