Blizzard Shared Cataclysm Expansion Recap

As Azeroth prepares for the inevitable return of Deathwing, developer Blizzard Entertainmet invited players down a memory lane by sharing the Cataclysm expansion recap patch by patch.

“Join us for a walk down memory lane as we recap Cataclysm’s major story beats and some of the features you may have forgotten you loved. Stick around for a summary of #somechanges coming in Cata Classic, and jump into the action with the Official Launch on May 20!”

Cataclysm marks the massive revamp that changed the face of Azeroth forever. The expansion initially released on December 7th, 2010, introducing two new playable races, enhancing talent trees, bringing flying to Kalimdor & Eastern Kingdoms, and much more. Players that have missed on trying out the expansion as it was unfolding or those who wish to experience it anew have their chance with the Classic Cataclysm servers.

This new chapter of the Classic saga will provide heroes of Azeroth with 7 new zones, a set of new dungeons and raids, the introduction of the Dungeon Journal feature, and much more. The game will also receive the Boss-based lock system, allowing players to do the 10 or 25-player version of bosses in the same week.

Are you going to take part in Cata Classic? Or are you too busy having fun in MoP Remix? Let us know in the comments below!

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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