Blizzard Showed Off New Design of Battle.Net App

Blizzard Showed Off New Design of Battle.Net App

The developers from Blizzard have taken to the official site to reveal the biggest front-end upgrade about to roll out for the app. The latest release is aimed at welcoming players of all ability levels and making sure they have a smooth time navigating the app.

Some of the major changes when your client gets patched to the new version include:

  • Improved navigation and layout—you can now favorite your games and arrange them for ease of access
  • A much more expansive layout for news and game content in full-page view
  • A revamped social pane so you can better see your friends and what they’re up to on each game tab
  • Major accessibility improvements—we’ve added the ability to navigate most of the app with your keyboard, increased our screen reader support, and improved the color contrast
  • A new, consolidated notifications hub for messages and download status

“This is just the beginning of new features coming to; we’ll keep iterating, improving, and adding to the app over time. We’d love to hear your feedback once you’ve spent some time with the new app, and you can share your thoughts on the forums.”

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