Brink is Now Free-to-Play On Steam

Released in May 2011, Brink has been quite popular in its day. Now more than half a decade later Bethesda and Splash Damage decided to release the game for free on Steam. This action propped the game’s number of active players quite a lot. There are a couple of DLCs and Combo Packs that players can still buy, but they’re quite cheap.

Features of Brink include:

Players can use the game’s advanced customization to create a unique looking character. As you progress through the game and acquire more experience, you’ll have even more opportunities for customization. You can also choose sides in the single player campaign to fight as either a member of the Security or the Resistance. The same character can also later play in co-op with or against other players.

You can find out more about the game and try it out for yourself through Steam. There is also a detailed instruction on how to host your own dedicated server.

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