Bungie & Ubisoft commit to help Australian charities during brush fire crisis

Both Bungie and Ubisoft have announced their support of efforts to help those affected by the ongoing crisis in Australia due to the massive brush fires.

Bungie will be selling a limited-edition t-shirt “to support both Australia’s firefighting efforts and the country’s animal rescue and conservation efforts”. The shirt will be emblazoned with the “Star Light, Star Bright” emblem redemption code. Pre-orders on the Bungie store will start on January 16th and will end on February 18th. All proceeds from the sale of the t-shirt will be donated to two organizations in Australia: WIRES, a wildlife rescue group, and NSW Rural Fire Service in New South Wales.

Ubisoft will be selling in-game items to support efforts in Australia. The creation of the items and adding them to Ubi’s games will take time. In the short term, however, the company has donated $30,000 to the Australian Red Cross Disaster and Recovery Effort Fund. Further proceeds from the sales of in-game items will come at a later date.

We’ll be keeping you posted about other opportunities to help out with the ongoing relief efforts in Australia.

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