Bungie Unveils Destiny 2, Year Two Content Roadmap

“Strap in Guardian, it’s About to Get Weird.”

We are less than a week away from Destiny 2: Forsaken’s launch and Bungie has already outlined the next year of content that players can expect. We are going to dive into this content and what it means for players who are both season pass holders and those who are not.

Forsaken will launch what Bungie is calling Season of the Outlaw starting with the 2.0 update. This update brings with it previews for the new weapon slots, updates to the sandbox and director, heroic story missions which allow you to revisit old content while gaining new rewards, updates to the milestones and challenges system, and more vault space!

Season of Outlaws will also provide opportunity to test your mettle in the Gambit – Forsaken’s new Player-Versus-Player-Versus-Environment mode – on September 1st. As Forsaken launches on September 4th, players will gain access to the Collections, Triumphs, weapon slots, and random rolls among other updates coinciding with the new story campaign. 

Forsaken’s first raid, Last Wish, will launch on September 14th with the return of the Iron Banner and a new Crucible map, The Convergence, on September 18th. We will also be seeing new Crucible modes and maps on September 25th with the return of the Festival of the Lost in October. 

And that is just the first season.

December 2018 will launch Season of the Forge, which will mark the return of heavy machine guns, new weapons, and new ways to hone your skills. Season of the Forge will also give Seasonal Pass players access to the Black Armory with a new raid lair, new exotic and legendary item, and much more. This season will also see the celebration of The Dawning.

In the Spring, we will enter the Season of the Drifter with a heavy focus on Gambit with the Seasonal Pass holders gaining access to Joker’s Wild. Like each season before it, new weapons, Crucible content, and Iron Banner will drop with a seasonal event to be announced later. New Triumphs will become available during Joker’s Wild as well. 

Finally, Summer 2019 brings a mysteriously unnamed season to coincide with Penumbra. Outside of the previous mentioned updates, new raid lairs, and events, the true form of this seasonal update have yet to be discovered!

Destiny 2: Forsaken players without a Seasonal Pass will still have access to seasonal events, Crucible and Iron Banner updates along with many of the new weapons. Seasonal Pass holders will have access to all of the content, Triumphs, and Collections that coincides with Black Armory, Joker’s Wild, and Penumbra. 

If you haven’t seen the latest ViDoc, check it out here:

Destiny 2: Forsaken launches on September 4th with the death of Cayde-6, Vanguard for the Hunters, and a mission to bring justice to the lawless Reef. 

Will you be playing Destiny 2: Forsaken? If so, what class are you looking forward to leveling? Let us know in the comments below.

You’ll see me in the wild as a Nightstalker Hunter… if you see me at all. 

Whatever the case, see you starside, Guardians.

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