Buy games cheaper with a free VPN

Online gaming popularity has certainly exploded when you look at the last few years. Gaming was once reserved for arcades only but now it looks like things have changed. Everyone is connected to the internet and this involves a large amount of spending. Video games can quickly add up in cost. As people complete games, they then need to line up the next release and this can easily put people into debt. This is the last thing that you need, but it’s important to understand that there are a few things that you can do to make everything way easier on yourself, and that’s by using a VPN.

How does a VPN Work?

VPN is an abbreviation. It stands for Virtual Private Network. This type of technology gives you the chance to run all of your internet traffic through an external server. This essentially makes sure that your site cannot retrieve your IP address. The way that computers communicate is usually through the IP address. To put things even simpler, it’s how an international site knows how to show you content in English rather than any other language. When you go to Steam, you will soon find that they show all of their promotions in your home language and currency. If you visit from any other place in the world then this will change accordingly. This is very handy for Steam as it gives them the chance to host a demographical campaign, but when it comes to your own needs, you will soon find that there isn’t much benefit at all.


VPN and your IP

It should be noted that the best free VPNs will give you the chance to manipulate any site. It makes them think that you are coming from another country. This is a great way for you to access a streaming service that you would otherwise not be allowed. This same concept can also be applied to game services such as Steam. If you access from a VPN for example and manipulate the geotag location of your IP, then you might be able to get games up to 80% cheaper!

How to Buy Video Games through a VPN

Before you buy any video game, you have to make sure that you have chosen a VPN that will guide you through the whole process. If you use a good VPN that’s being advertised for a very affordable price, then this will save you a considerable amount of money. When choosing your VPN, you have to make sure that you take into account the speed. You also need to make sure that the VPN can be trusted, and this is usually done by looking into the reviews.

Once you have chosen the VPN, you then need to download the software and make your own account. When all of this has been done, you can then connect to a server in another country. Some European countries might have a 50% discount on a game you really want, but the American server might not for US users. When you access a game from a VPN you will be able to access all of the offers for that country and you will also be able to access a ton of great bargains. If you are not sure which country has the best deals, then one way for you to get around this would be for you to do your research beforehand. When you do, you can then make your choice for the country and logon to your VPN.

Sure, some gaming sites have blacklisted certain IP addresses that come from VPNs but the one thing that you need to remember is that having a VPN is a fully legal way of getting what you want. The only reason why a VPN would be illegal is if what you’re doing with it is illegal. Buying anything through a VPN is currently legal which means that it’s perfectly legal for you to buy video games through it as well. It’s a super practical way for you to save money and you would be surprised at how much these cost savings can add up.


Saving money on games is every gamer’s dream. Using a VPN is one of the best ways for you to do this and you would be surprised at how much bang you could get for your buck. A VPN can also give you a much higher level of anonymity and it can also unlock streaming content for you too. Technology is your friend here, and the more you focus on utilising it to your advantage, the easier it will be for you to benefit from everything it has to offer. Got any questions? Don’t be afraid to look to your VPN service to see if they can answer them for you.

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