Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 – Days of Summer Trailer

Treyarch has taken to Twitter to celebrate the arrival of the latest seasonal event in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 with a new trailer. Called Days of Summer, the event brings back the remastered Grind, allows players to experience the largest battle in Call of Duty history with Ground War in Blackout, and much more. It is now available on PS4 with the other platforms to follow.

Summer has arrived in Blackout! Days of Summer brings new summer lighting and foliage to the main map, along with new hidden Coolers containing Paint Can rewards, throwable Water Balloons, and seasonal decorations throughout the map including BBQ-themed parties, balloons, yard flamingos, flags, and pool floats.

Today’s update also brings a treasure trove of new and classic weapons for MP, with a Weapon Bribe at Tier 25 in the Contraband stream, the new Vendetta sniper rifle at Tier 50, and the S6 Stingray tactical rifle, Peacekeeper assault rifle, Locus bolt-action sniper rifle, and Ballistic Knife now available in the Black Market and unlockable through the Weapon Bribe.

Check out the Reddit thread to learn more about the seasonal event as well as new community challenge and other exciting things to come to the game.

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