Check Out the Fall of the Lich King Launch Trailer

Developer Blizzard Entertainment rolled out a new epic trailer to celebrate the launch of the Fall of the Lich King, the latest update to WoW: Wrath Classic servers. The gates of Icecrown Citadel open on October 12th.

The Fall of the Lich King Launch Trailer reimagines the epic climax of the Wrath of the Lich King saga through the eyes of community content creator Hurricane. As the final battle against the Lich King approaches, Azeroth’s champions storm Icecrown Citadel to vanquish the Lord of the Scourge once and for all.

The update introduced new dungeons: The Forge of Souls, Pit of Saron as well as The Halls of Reflection. Additionally, players  can now queue for the Random Dungeon Finder for individual dungeons in Normal, Heroic, Defense Protocol Alpha, Defense Protocol Beta, and Defense Protocol Gamma.

“A new mode is now available—Defense Protocol Gamma. Upon entering a dungeon with Defense Protocol Gamma active, an agent of the Argent Tournament specific to your faction will be present and offer each player a selection of additional beneficial buffs. Each boss encountered within Defense Protocol Gamma dungeons will drop a Defiler’s Scourgestone currency. This currency can be used to purchase item level 245 Trial of the Crusader 25-player raid rewards from either Korralin Hoperender in the Alliance area of Dalaran or Kolara Dreamsmasher in the Horde area.”

Fall of the Lich King also added Quest Log, Quest Tracking and New Collection Interface for your pets, mounts and heirlooms.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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