Chimeraland Is A Monster Making MMORPG To Sink Your Teeth Into

Ever wanted to fly a whale-dragon-reindeer mount. Now you can with the release of Chimeraland on PC and mobile.

The outfit behind upcoming anime superstar Tower of Fantasy has thrown something of a zoological curveball at us today, with the release of Chimeraland. This new open world MMORPG is a one of a kind monstrous adventure that puts players into survival sandbox set among a prehistoric, mythical world. While that description could be almost anything, here be monsters. However, unlike other survival sims, you’ll be able to do more than simply build, craft, interact with your accomplices, and rope in the odd dinosaur.

The fantastical beasts that roam, run, swim, of fly across this land can be tamed and then transform them into new creations. These chimeras don’t evolve, like your regular pocket monsters. Instead, Chimeraland adds a unique devour function which allows players to absorb the powers of the creatures they capture, which sometimes manifest as the physical traits of the beats they were drawn from. This provides a huge gene pool to splice through, and tons of potential combinations.

Over 4,000 square kilometres of wilderness of land is open for exploration, although game notes suggest you’ll be able to head off and explore outer space too. Whichever angle you end up looking at this environment from, it all looks suitably gorgeous. The entire affair seems to be drawing from eastern design, giving it a mythical Blade & Soul feel. With seemingly endless weird creatures to combine and a ton of other more mundane survival tasks on offer, Chimeraland is out now across PC, iOS, and Android. You can get a glimpse of a flying horned dragon whale in the new launch trailer or check out the official website for more.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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