Civilization 6 Ethiopia DLC Coming July 23

Fans of Civilization 6 will be happy to hear that the game’s next DLC will be headed their way on July 23rd. The Ethiopia DLC is part of the New Frontier Pass or it can be purchased separately for $5. As with all Civ 6 DLC, Ethiopia brings with it a new culture, several new buildings, and a new district to play with.

Those who own either the Rise & Fall or Gathering Storm expansions will see a brand new game mode called Secret Societies added as well. Secret Societies expands the overall game content in several ways.

  • the discovery of Secret Societies leads to a powerful new Governor that can be assigned to any city
  • discovering new societies grants the player membership in it for the rest of the game
  • align with another player of the same society and earn faster Alliance Points and access better diplomacy

Frontier Pass members will also receive the Teddy Roosevelt and Catherine De Medici Persona Packs that allow them to change the model and backgrounds of each. In addition, there are some gameplay bonuses and agendas to toy with.

All of the above is discussed in the most recent developer update specifically centered on the Ethiopia DLC. Check it out and then head to the Civilization 6 official site to learn more.

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