Developer Midnight Munchies has just unleashed a boss rush that won’t take long to learn. One BTN Bosses is a speedy dive into a minimalistic bullet hell that won’t take long to learn. With just one button to push, players can take on and defeat increasingly challenging bosses over 50 branching levels of chaos.
Players picking up this unusual encounter will find themselves thrown into the cockpit of a tiny retro spaceship. Blasting into battle warps straight into a boss encounter. Don’t worry, there aren’t many controls to this interstellar battle. Instead, you just need to decide when to doge, with the push of a button. Hold off hitting the big red button and you’ll accelerate. With a decision to choose evading damage or a faster rate of fire, this is all about reaction times and decision making.
This simple idea looks to be executed surprisingly well. A cool style, some electronic beats and a mix of game modes mean you can take on a full handcrafted campaign that, a highly repayable roguelike mode, and some simply chaotic action. Take a look and bash the buy button over on Steam to get change from a crisp 10 pound note, or whatever that is in your local currency.