Wired Productions Announces Close to the Sun

Wired Productions Ltd. and Storm in a Teacup development studio have announced a narrative horror game Close to the Sun. It will be coming to Windows PC, Xbox One family of devices and PlayStation 4 entertainment system in 2019.

Close to the Sun offers an instantly recognizable art aesthetic and an alternative take on history bringing the second age of scientific enlightenment at the end of the 20 century.

The events of the game take place on a mysterious ship complex created by Nikola Tesla for the sake of knowledge. In this alternative version of history, his scientific breakthroughs have already had a major impact on the world.

“Close to the Sun is a beautiful and unique title which showcases both the talent of the developer and the calibre of experience synonymous with the Wired Productions brand,” Said Leo Zullo, Managing Director, Wired Productions. “Our pipeline for 2019 builds upon the quality titles we’ve brought to market over this past year, and we couldn’t be happier to announce this partnership with Storm in a Teacup.”

Carlo Ivo Alimo Bianchi, CEO & Founder, Storm in a Teacup, continued: “We’re delighted to partner with Wired Productions and to see Close to the Sun benefit from their experience in titles with that extra level of depth. Working together enables us to focus on perfecting a game that we truly believe will be a new benchmark for Storm in a Teacup; a title that brings story, horror and character development together to a new level.”

Some of the game’s gameplay features:

  • First-person horror adventure where surviving is everything
  • Problem-solving in order to progress the story: just what happened on board Tesla’s ship?
  • Danger aplenty as Rose pieces together just what happened, having no real means to defend herself
  • Teamwork with an ally who helps Rose navigate her way through the ship’s artistic halls
  • Nerve inducing exploration – defenseless and weaponless, the keys to Rose’s survival are running, hiding, and quick thinking

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