It has been many years since Westwood Studios created Command & Conquer, one of the best RTS games I have ever played. Now the time is drawing ever closer to when we will have a remastered edition to play with a step into the future.
Today, March 10th 2020, we are given a new reveal trailer to show us what we have been waiting for. It will be live shortly on the EA YouTube page. We will be getting to see first-hand what progress has been made on the remaster.
A little background, Command & Conquer came out in 1995 and introduced us to the Global Defense Initiative and the Brotherhood of Nod. One organization wanted to protect the world and the other wanted to watch it burn. You get to build up your bases to facilitate either side’s goals. Using tanks, flame troopers, and more you will work your way through missions that are straight-forward, and some that plop you into the middle of a dire situation where you need to overcome limited funds and functionality to survive the oncoming onslaught of enemy troops. Where will you be when this title finally launches?
Check out the full video above and then head to the Command & Conquer Remastered official site.