Conan Exiles – Followers II Tests Command System

Conan Exiles is actively testing the upcoming game update titled Followers II. The Steam page of the game has been updated with a message from the developers in which the team gave the first look at the new batch of changes and improvements aimed to enhance how you interact with your followers.

Among these changes comes a very long and oft-requested feature, AI stances! We have also added a command system for your active follower, so you can give direct orders such as move and attack. There’s more changes and improvements that come with these new additions that will generally improve how AI reacts and interacts in the game. We have also included a couple of commonly requested quality of life changes that will make your adventures in the Exiled lands even more amazing: you can now have a companion and a horse active at the same time, and while riding you can also drag any unconscious NPCs!

  • New Follower Behaviors – players can now give followers a new set of engagement rules and tactical preferences to better suit your playstyle. Those include Guard Area, Guard Me, Attack all enemies, Attack nothing, Attack and Chase Distance.
  • Tactics Behaviors – Within this section, you can set which tactical choices will be preferred by your followers: Stand and defend, Prioritize melee, Prioritize ranged.
  • New Follower Command System – Aim and press the assigned key (X by default) to move your companion to the designed location or attack an enemy. Double press that key to make them stop any activity they’re engaged on (and double press again to make them resume that activity). Press it three times and you will ask your companion to return to your position. You can also hold the command button to open a new radial menu where you can select any of these settings individually!
  • Some important Quality of Life additions – You can now have an active companion as well as your trusty steed, as horses don’t take the active follower slot anymore! And while you’re out and about on your ride, don’t forget to that you can now drag any NPCs you’ve left unconscious!

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