Control Is Getting Expansions in 2020

COntrol Expansion

Control, Remedy Games supernatural RPG that impressed critics and destroyed offices is about to get a bunch of updates, including two new expansions in 2020.

Remedy game, the team behind Control has just announced their intention to bring a slew of new content to their RPG. Most importantly, we now know that Control is about to get two full expansions next year. These paid-for additions to the core game are called The Foundation and AWE. They will add new story missions, teams, enemies and game mechanics, and will take place in new locations within the Oldest House.



The Foundation will delve into the history behind Control’s Oldest House. Players will explore this nexus for all things eerie and its own agendas. In The Foundation Jessie returns to the site of the game’s original infection and, at the request of the ever-mysterious Board, explores what lies beneath the Bureau.

The Awe plays on the idea of altered world events that the base game touched on. Jessie will take to new areas of the Oldest House in the follow up to The Foundation. Players who purchase this pack will enter a new area of the house, the Investigations Sector, where the Bureau closely examines Altered World Events.

Free Extras

In addition to the expansion news, Remedy game is adding a bunch of new features to Control. Free to all players will be the brand new photo mode, allowing everyone who owns Control to capture their experience in the Oldest House. Another extra that comes free to all players is Decembers new game mode. The Expeditions game mode is due to arrive and should offer challenging end game content for anybody who has already pushed back the Hiss. In Expeditions, Jesse must help Security Chief Arish explore the mysterious Formation and its strange surroundings.

We don’t have any more details on the expansions as yet. While we wait on release dates and pricing, we do know that the PlayStation 4 Digital Deluxe Edition (£64.99) includes both Expansions, as well as an extra side mission, and other digital cosmetics. If you haven’t heard of the Hiss or ventured into Control then you can find out more about the game over at the official website or check out our interview with the team behind this thriller now. Control is out now on PC via Epic, Playstation 4, and Xbox One.

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